
Hello this is Aecee, sorry but I could not update in this account because I can't open it anymore. I forgot my password and I couldn't recover it anymore because this account is not verified and not synched to my gmail account. The last time I opened this account was years ago, and I just visited this account because I wanted to get some ideas for my assignment from my unfinished work but I was surprised that Ms. Ice meets Mr. Breezy have reached 21.1k reads and I never thought that it would go that far since it was not professionally written and I was only grade 9 when wrote that story as my first ever book here in wattpad. To those who have read it, thankyou so much and I'm sorry for letting you wait. And I know It's corny hahahaha bear with my works please I was only junior high by that time and until now I'm still learning. I stopped writing after I lose my czen_zhins account but when I saw this I got motivated. This Unsealedsoul is my new account and I have no published works in this account, I only have draft of my new series. 
          After I got rid of my messed up schedule in this semester, I'm gonna re-write and re-publish all my works here in my new account. As well as my new series, please do expect that Ms. Ice meets Mr. Breezy will be revised and will have new plot twists since the first one is a bit corny HAHAHAHAHA. I'm sorry, I'm gonna make it better. But re-writing and re-publishing all my works would take a lot of time since I'm so busy with my college hehehe, but I'll try my best to re-write it as soon I got my free time. Thankyou!