I shared something that was supposed to be for Snapchat on Instagram and I don’t know how to feel about it cause it was like really vulnerable and I have like half friends on there not like full friends but like half you know???


@D-DUMBFUXK bless you. In my experience most people on insta just skip stories anyway so hopefully it won't get much attention if you're worried about it


Because I’m gonna be real with you I’m a really insecure person for some reason but I come off really confident so I showed my insecure side on my confident Instagram story like it was close friends but  like still I just felt a little too out there and I’m gonna overthink about it for the next seven years :)


I shared something that was supposed to be for Snapchat on Instagram and I don’t know how to feel about it cause it was like really vulnerable and I have like half friends on there not like full friends but like half you know???


@D-DUMBFUXK bless you. In my experience most people on insta just skip stories anyway so hopefully it won't get much attention if you're worried about it


Because I’m gonna be real with you I’m a really insecure person for some reason but I come off really confident so I showed my insecure side on my confident Instagram story like it was close friends but  like still I just felt a little too out there and I’m gonna overthink about it for the next seven years :)


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
FUCK THE COLE EFFECT my guy Alex was  right to punch that nigga in the face cuz WHAT??? why you trying to move in on my girl??


@D-DUMBFUXK I'm literally watching it rn. I'm on ep 2. I hate him so much wtf 