I was going through an old list and found out 'Match Maker' was going to originally be called:
           'Foreshadowed Love' or 'Match Making'....
          Y'know what-
          I might make a story called 'Foreshadowed Love' now- (ofc after the stories I'm currently writing-)


I smell like a freaking swamp rn-
          "GeT oUt Of mE sWaMp!!"
          I had a field trip to a nature center, and we were in the lake looking for macrovertebrae-
          My friend and I found something-? (I forget the name)
          But, after we got back from the field trip, we had to play a math game called "24" and I came close to winning with... uhh... one card- BUT. Something happened after-
          2 kids got in SERIOUS trouble with their behavior from earlier in the day-
          On the bus back from the trip, this one kid started punching another kid for saying something, and then when we got back and it was time to go to music class, that one kid who got punched was thrown LITERALLY THROWN into? Onto? Idk-
          But onto (or into-?) a cabinet.
          And then later, near dismissal, the one kid was having a legit mental breakdown in front of the class bc he got a "warning". And while this was going on, I was just listening in, editing a photo of a sloth I named Jerry. He turned out BEAUTIFUL-
          He has a full set of makeup on and a wig :D


Happy birthday to Katsuki Bakugo! <3


@BakuSimp_Hino_Akuma Lmao
            I want some now- XD


            YAAAAAAAAA XDD I have been overly happy and sending Baku-B-Day pics to my MHA fan friends XD


          "Papa? Look!" Izuku looked over and saw your perfectly neat, well-colored picture. He noticed the outline around the drawing was completely fine and had no scratch-colored markings along the border. He gently took the picture from your small, frail little hands and smiled at it.
          "It's amazing, Y/N." He spoke to you in his calm, yet peaceful tone. You smiled widely at him with a miniature twinkle in your eyes, just like him. "Do you wanna show your daddy?" You gasped as he handed you the paper, and you took off, running for the kitchen. Izuku chuckled as he followed behind you.
          "Daddy!! Look what I made!!" You smiled brightly and handed him the piece of colored paper. Like Izuku, he gently took it from your small hands and gazed at it. Looking amazed, he gave you a small smile.
          "It's awesome, N/N.. How did you color it so neatly?" He asked, staring lovingly at his small child. Your heterochromatic eyes twinkled with delight as you smiled up at him, explaining how you did it. They both began to smile again as you went into detail. Explaining the colors, techniques, and details you added to the copied-machined piece of paper will an outlined butterfly on it.
          "Wow, N/N! You did a lot! We're proud of you." You smiled brightly once again. Knowing that you were loved sent many rays of sunshine into that small body of yours.
          Hah. Y'know... I'm gonna turn these scenarios into a book-
          Hope you guys enjoyed!
          -DD <3


          Quick update...
          Today I severely sprained my wrist-
          Again- T_T
          So typing is kind of a hassle-
          I won't be able to update until I get my wrist in better shape, and chapter 11 will be out I'd say in about.. a week and a half? Possibly 2 weeks if my wrist isn't better..
          Also, Chapter 2 of A Tale of an Enchantment will be out near the end of the month ^-^
          So until then, my dear readers :D
          -DD <3


 New chapter for Match Maker has been uploaded!!
          Enjoy readers!
          Oh! And before I forget, in my last post I gave you guys some options to vote on for the next fanfic! Please, the voting is only for a limited time! Don't forget to vote! And thank you to those who have!
          -DD <3


So.. I need everyone's opinion.
          Once I finish Match Maker, I'm thinking of making another book. And it's most likely going to be running next to A Tale of an Enchantment as well.. But here are the options:
          Frozen Heart (A Todoroki x Reader)
          Detonation (Bakugo x Reader)
          Electric Duo (Kaminari x Reader)
          And some information about all three books:
          'Frozen Heart' is a Todoroki x Reader that takes place in medieval times. He is the prince of the Todoroki Kingdom and is supposedly "next in line" to take King Enji's place.
          'Detonation' is a Fantasy AU Bakugo x Reader-type book. It takes place when you just abandoned your parents because of some past experiences.
          'Electric Duo' is a Kaminari x Reader book that takes place as a Band AU. UA is a school for music and is known to be Japan's most prestigious place to hold concerts and events for young players to participate in making it into the school.
          So let me know which one you guys prefer!
          -DD <3


@LordOfMultifandoms Alr! 2 votes for that one so far!


Oo~! So many options! Denki is my comfort and I love him, but 'Detonation' is just speaking to me, so... I vote for that one!
            Can't Wait!