
Hey anyone want to RP? Let me know!


Okay guys um this is hard to say and I probably shouldn't but I feel like I needed to my birth name is Delilah Mary Ann Martinez we had to change it so that my birth father wouldn't track me down we changed it when I was 9 before I even knew what once was my mom liked the name and I got to pick out my middle name she still calls me Delilah though my entire family does but the reason I am telling you all this is because I am starting a YouTube channel I will start it this week I will be blogging my vacation so if you want to see it just look up Regina Bynum if you have any questions about me or my name or the YouTube channel just Dm me don't hesitate to ask any thing I love all of you thank you for being here for me and sorry that I am posting this so late 


So hey guys I was just wondering if I write something not once upon a time related would you still read it I want to know your opinions 
          And there will be all new chapters to ALL of my books by at most Sunday thanks guys