
In the process of editing GOAA. Changing some of the awkward words... lmao The next chapter shall be up this week on Thursday! Sorry to keep you guys waiting!


Sorry for spamming you guys, Chapter 4 is clear now! You guys can go ahead and read it. I will see you guys next Thursday for Chapter 5! Either Monday or Tuesday, I will be posting a little teaser from Chapter 5. ;)
          Have a great week.


Chapter 3 to GoaA is FINALLY up!! I hope you guys read and review. Would love to know what I need to include and help on. 
          Like I said in the previous  message, I need a new cover for GoaA! Any of your creative fans are welcome to design me a cover. I will dedicate Chapter 4 to you and write you in as a character. Please email me the cover: daiseyyystories@hotmail.com or message me on here. 
          You guys have a wonderful night! :D


On top of me coming back, can some of you creative followers create my a cover for Games of an Alpha? I'm changing the title and I would love a new cover to go with it. If you are interested, please feel free to comment or message me! Thank you.