
HEYO! I am moving my work to ARCHIEVEOFOUROWN! Yes you can find me there, it’s “ Daddyyzawa “. Thank you for all the support that was given to me till now. I truly appreciate every and each one of you. However, I will continue posting from that platform. Wattpad deleted too many masterpieces.


@Daddyyzawa I'll be there waiting for your master piece not be deleted on ao3


HEYO! I am moving my work to ARCHIEVEOFOUROWN! Yes you can find me there, it’s “ Daddyyzawa “. Thank you for all the support that was given to me till now. I truly appreciate every and each one of you. However, I will continue posting from that platform. Wattpad deleted too many masterpieces.


@Daddyyzawa I'll be there waiting for your master piece not be deleted on ao3


Nothing pains me more than getting my account banned because of a bunch of b*tt hurt 13 year olds when what I used to write was 18+. It’s so hard to rebuild something from the ashes…sigh. I will try to post as much as I can and even if it doesn’t get as popular as before that’s okay too. Honestly thank you for everything


Yes. I am aware of the pop-ups but those annoying ads are like in every single social platform. You know maybe I should move to AOL too or Archive Of Our Own. Maybe even idk


Have you seen those stupid ads popping up in wattpad sometime it happened in the middle of me reading 


Please check out my other co-ordinated book “ Chasing A Star “ by @symeowa . I am a co-writer there and we really would like to publish this book. It’s one of our biggest dreams to accomplish. It’s romantic, cheesy…a lot of hot bad boys and drama. Please check it out 


Good day. My account has been banned @dadddyyzawa. I will be using THIS account and @daddddyyzawa. I will reupload all the chapters of TR Smut Shots!


Hey what happened to the corpse book? And Are you alright?


Im so sorry someone has said that to u and i hope you are ok and dont let anyone tell u to kys you are here for a reason and your books make people happy and i hope you are happy to keep writing them good job on ever book u have done and took your time to make the person has blocked me so i just came to tell u that u are a amazing writer and keep going and dont let anyone tell u different. Much love keep going❤❤


I will turn some of them genderless/boy to boy action/ hetero etc. but i will do it after i finish the book 


Finally a creator that isn't 14 and is giving us the content we want like yasssss queeeen!! Love from Russia


@sour_cqndyy i think you watch Brown Bakugo on tiktok too huh