
Is anyone else dealing with a problem where whenever you write on Wattpad it keeps changing the format/alignment/whatever ya wanna call it to the center? Like I have to constantly change the text back to the left every damn time, even when I ain't writing it moves the last paragraph to the center of the page and it absolutely kills me


Is anyone else dealing with a problem where whenever you write on Wattpad it keeps changing the format/alignment/whatever ya wanna call it to the center? Like I have to constantly change the text back to the left every damn time, even when I ain't writing it moves the last paragraph to the center of the page and it absolutely kills me


I’m bout to McFucking lose it


@Dadere Don't McFucking lose it, whatever that means.


@Dadere dont mcfucking lose it thats americas governments job as a whole


I posted this in the oneshot book but just in case some of y'all didn't see the edited version i will post it here-
          The situation with Russia and Ukraine DOES NOT mean i will stop writing for the fandom or stop writing the oneshot book. Please go see the edited version cause i worded that better than this tbh.


@ Dadere  amm i have an idea!. make one shot countryhumans arab!.


My Friend: Dadere give us a oneshot
          Me: I have plenty! Take your pick! I have angst, dark themes, toxic romance, Etc!
          My Friend:
          My Friend: What about a fluff-
          Me: Absolutely not.


I have no problem wih fluff. 
            But now I know not to ask for it.


@Dadere I feel that a lot, its hard for me to write fluff


When ya name your Minecraft dog after your recently deceased dog and then like five Minecraft days into owning it a witch kills it with poison which was similar to how your real life dog died: :’D


@Dadere  :'0 noooo <3
            i named my dog 'not again' and i forgot the reason behind it :(


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
My Coworker: Oh no it's those beds
          Other Coworker: Those beds?
          My Coworker: The slow as fuck ones
          Other Coworker: How slow can they be???
          Me: I can rekindle the lost relationship I had with my toxic mother with how slow they are