
Just letting you know, please don't follow me if you're not actually going to read my books.


Thanks! See ya then!


@Oziach  I understand whatcha mean! I don't like it when people follow me, only when thay just want me to follow back and its annoying. So its koo! (Koo=cool just meh language ;-; :p)  And maybe we  will become friends! (Plus ur books are cool! :D) Lol! BYE!!!!!!!!!  


Lol, alright. Sorry for sounding kinda mean. I just do this to push away anyone who simply follows so I'll follow back, since I don't usually follow people unless I actually become friends with them. Still, if you are reading them, I'm glad to have you as a reader, and maybe we will become friends!


Excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice that you've kind of copied my Zodiac Book. If you could be kind enough to take it down, I'd be very thankful.


@InnocentIvy np! Sorry I was kinda having trouble so I thought it would be ok to get some ideas from some books and I just I used some of yours. Sorry, I should of asked you. Sorry I couldn't reply too you sooner just been busy. And the book is tooken down! :) sorry again! 