
i've literally been dead forever and im gonna make a whole new account... uh, sorry?


@DamienDevi1 what is the new account called?


Why hello… I’m not dead


@DamienDevi1 omg. Hi, hello! hdjznzmz


Wow HI ‼️


          I’m back! Feeling better, naw . But has Writers block ended? Yeah!
          Man, Dreams face reveal was interesting, Very exciting! Also My friend deadass said “Damien, I take back everything i’ve ever said about you being a dream simp” Which was funny as hell ‍♂️
          Anyways I’m back! I’ll hopefully start writing soon, Need to work on a many of things, With my social medias there’s planned to be a few updates  so…. watch out for those! Anyways, GOOD DAY TO YOU!


this message may be offensive
Okay so… many thoughts
          One, I’m in and out of the Dream smp fandom, I’d love to write and continue to write but shit in my personal life is going down hill and stuff.
          two, I’m thinking about stoping writing all together but I do write personally (Character x oc {more on that later}) And I am a very creative person so when I can’t draw it, I write it.
          Three, I have multiple things I need to juggle, Youtube (which is dead… dead as hell), Tiktok (which is on and off), Personal Relationships, Not to mention school. So I’m usually not as active as i’d like to be.
          Four, the few books of Character x oc I’ve had, haven’t done well at all so I may think more about them but overall, from what I’ve seen, No one really likes them (But could be wrong).
          five, The stuff with my youtube channel hasn’t gotten the attention I want, so I may delete it all together, with a few other books.
          six, I can’t make any promises that i’ll continue writing, But I may pose every little bit. I Can’t promise at all That i’ll continue Writing Dream smp, But I’ll try and Finish what I started.
          lastly, I understand a lot (Almost all) of the people that read my writings Are Dream smp/ New dream smp. It’s hard to move to other things i’m into, and I understand if You don’t wanna read it, all i ask is you share it so I can find the people who do wanna read it, and do enjoy the story’s I have.
          I may have a separate announcement for what’s been going on,  why i’ve been gone, and the reasons I haven’t been writing, but there are no promises.


@DamienDevi1 (: That's fine you do what's best for you just take care of yourself and make sure to take breaks and drink water and eat something love you beautiful bitch <3


Dear author,
          I would like to question you abt the first chapter in your dreamnotnap smut book and I need atleast some of them answered, any who have a good day and pm me (when you can) to confirm you've gotten this.
          Sincerely, A reader and enjoyer of your dreamnotnap smutbook