
Writing... writing... writing...


Hey I just wanted to say that your book Hogwarts : A History is one of my fave books about the marauders I've ever read!!I know it can be hard to find inspiration time ect ,but pppplllleeeeaaaasssseeee update!!


@HAM0001 Wow! Thank you so so much! Thank you for the wonderful comment and for the kind words of encouragement :) I've been writing quit a bit lately, but it's such a long story that I'm not exactly sure when it will be finished. I completely realize that it doesn't make waiting any more pleasant, but just know I am trying! :D In the meantime, however, I might suggest my two other stories, both were written for contests, but I think that they turned out alright :) Again, so, so sorry for the wait... maybe I'll post a little bit of what I've been writing from the rewrite? It's pretty different, but we'll see :D
            Thanks for the follow as well and have a nice day :) :)


So, apparently Wattpad decided to delete all of my notifications. That's all right, it's not like I had PEOPLE TO RESPOND TO.
          Did this happen to anyone else? 
          I'm not even sure you'll be able to see this...


@DancesWithSugarCubes Oh that really stinks! Yeah, I hope they fix it too.


@gymnastgirlflips That's so frustrating! I've been noticing it as well, but now I just don't have any - only recommendations from Wattpad of stories I should read. I hope they fix this bug soon!


Yeah, Wattpad hasn't been sending me a lot of notifications on getting new followers and things like that, which stinks because I always like thanking people for following, reading, voting... everything. So I haven't been getting emails for a lot of things, including messages, which really stinks. I did get the notification for this message though.


-status- like another one-shot contest?


            That's great! Thanks! :) 
            I will have to think about it a bit more, but will hopefully post a definitive answer soon :D


            Yeah! Kind of, maybe not exactly a one-shot, but definitely writing based :)