
Hey guys,
          	Merry Christmas to all of you. I hope you guys are staying safe and celebrating the holidays with a lot of love and sweets.
          	I have finally uploaded the first chapter of The Curse Of The Past (after months of procrastination). I have published the story before however I deleted it because I felt it lacked the depth of character that I wanted my story to have. If you've read the book before I deleted it, you'll notice some similarities- but try reading the book like it's your first time (you'll enjoy it a lot more). And also a huge thank you to @ggukspiire for helping me with the cover. she had to extremely patient with me- since I'm not extremely tech-savvy. 
          	Also, one more important announcement. I'm doing a collaboration with my awesomely talented friend, @WishNWin which you would've already know if you follow her. The book will be out soon !(hopefully cause both of us are extremely lazy)
          	Sirenix Girl


@DangerousDreamer_24 huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuuhuhuhuhuuhuhu


Hey guys,
          Merry Christmas to all of you. I hope you guys are staying safe and celebrating the holidays with a lot of love and sweets.
          I have finally uploaded the first chapter of The Curse Of The Past (after months of procrastination). I have published the story before however I deleted it because I felt it lacked the depth of character that I wanted my story to have. If you've read the book before I deleted it, you'll notice some similarities- but try reading the book like it's your first time (you'll enjoy it a lot more). And also a huge thank you to @ggukspiire for helping me with the cover. she had to extremely patient with me- since I'm not extremely tech-savvy. 
          Also, one more important announcement. I'm doing a collaboration with my awesomely talented friend, @WishNWin which you would've already know if you follow her. The book will be out soon !(hopefully cause both of us are extremely lazy)
          Sirenix Girl


@DangerousDreamer_24 huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuuhuhuhuhuuhuhu


Hey guys
          I just changed the cover of 'The Haunted Mansion'- what do you all think of it? 
          Also, something interesting is coming up...in a few months though
          Any ideas?


@Calm_The_Sun thank you! and I know what you're thinking...but it's not only that there's more


@DangerousDreamer_24   AWESOME COVER!!! Haan mujhe patha hain tu kiske baare mein baath kar rahi hain... (i guess)(lol)


Hey guys,
          I just finished my first book (yay!)
          It was alot of fun for me to write it and receive your motivating feedback. Thank you sooo much for all the support through out the book, I couldn't have done it without the love and support.
          Please tell me what do you think of my book and ways in which I could improve on future projects. Love you all sooooo much☆
          The one and only,
          Cosmix Arinator☆


@benjaminbutton13 thank you soooo much, always loved your support♡♡♡