
I spent 2 hours uploading a movie and 25 eps off YouTube, 26 individual videos. just for wattpad to stress me out for 20 mins by almost deleting them off of the chapter i was uploaded them to (it took 2 hrs cause i found a better quality video after I uploaded ⅔ of the videos, and i had to type words)


 I'm going to bed. Good night, people


I spent 2 hours uploading a movie and 25 eps off YouTube, 26 individual videos. just for wattpad to stress me out for 20 mins by almost deleting them off of the chapter i was uploaded them to (it took 2 hrs cause i found a better quality video after I uploaded ⅔ of the videos, and i had to type words)


 I'm going to bed. Good night, people


Their was a author I was conversating with like 2 years ago, we were talking about archery because they were in archery and they posted late because they had a game and I completely forgot about it and now I'm in archery and I remembered the interaction like 2 months after I joined and i just think about that a lot now (started in December,  remembered in February)


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          this guy had a crush on me in 5th grade till 6th (his friends told me on the bus we rode the same bus) he's called me his Bae (on the bus cause we didn't have any classes together just the bus and during 5th grade we had to stay in a room till the bus cameand we were in there for like 15 mins everyday) I gave him my number at the end of 6th grade but he never texted or called and I moved schools so I never saw him again. I recently moved to Mississippi (use to live in Tennessee) and now I think we're at the same school. He still looks the same slightly different (but we're in 10th grade now so duh ) and I think it's the same guy but I to shy and antisocial to do shit about it. 


@Danielle192006 | ik I'm just looking at this and it's late (lol) but that's crazy. 


@Danielle192006 I liked him too in 6th grade


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U know all those mafia stories were this teen girl has all those brothers and stuff 
          What if their was one where the dad didn't know he had children (he has like 8 for this) dosent matter the age but like the children all knew each other and who their dad was cause of a paternity test or what ever and they met up like 7 times a week 
          OPTION 1 [ and diced to fuck with him or smt and so for plot one of them has a social worker friend and the friend brings a new child like every 5 days saying their guardian died or whatever (theyve explained it to their guardians all ready and for plot reasons their cool with it) and the dad is just stressing while the kids are loving there new life with all their siblings in the mansion]
          OPTION 2 [ the guardians for the children are killed by enemies every 5 days so their being sent to their dads house cause hes the closest relative ]
          OPTION 3 [ anything u can come up with to get them there ]
          and the dad is just stressing while the kids are loving there new life with all their siblings in the mansion and enjoy spending time with each other every day (till the sibling kicks in were they start to be annoying)


@MsAndreaAmbrose thanks and I ment 7 times a month 


@Danielle192006 I actually love this story plot 


My apologies for sliding into your Conversations board uninvited.
          I just wanted to grab your attention to my stories. There is an arranged marriage story, a teen romance, a young adult, and some mafia stories. They are all COMPLETED.
          Once again, I'm sorry for intruding.
           Have a nice day ahead.!!!!