
I wish everyone here a happy new year ^^.


@DanieruLOF Happy new year to you to. And your the Legacy of Friendship story is probably one of the best MLP fanfics. I've ever read, I'm looking foreword to the newest chapter.


@DanieruLOF Happy new year to you too amigo


I wanna ask a question but you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to I swear that I’m not trying be rude I’m just curious. Is the story still ongoing or is this just an indefinite hiatus? Again just curious. 


Soo indefinite hiatus got it take your time man


@Duhpage19 I don't know when I will update the story, sorry.


Hey DanieruLOF's I hope you are doing okay I'm still waiting patiently for you to come back and finish the story but I well wait so don't worry.


@Javi376 I'm doing fine, there is no thing to worry and I don't know when I will update the story.


Hello DanieruLOF if you remember i was the one who was about your wellbeing about something months ago anyway as an author of MLP do you have any advice or tips when writing my little pony fanfiction for beginners?


@DanieruLOF Thank you very much for advice I like MLP so much that I just hated waiting around and started writing my own and also with the harem fics their not particularly bad but could better and as you said Trixie rules supreme


@eversince2022 I wouldn't really consider myself an expert writer so I don't know how much my advice is worth but I can give you tips based off of my experience of course. Depending on what kind of story you plan on writing those tips might or might not help you at all, keep that in mind ^^.
            When it comes to Original Characters I can only give you the same tips that everyone else would give: Don't make them too strong or too perfect, give them flaws and weaknesses or things they are afraid of, don't give them edgy backgrounds (Being bullied as a child or having their parents be killed as an example). All those things still can work but if you put them in your story you need to equal stuff out. For example, if your main character is stronger than everyone in the show, add a villain who is as strong or stranger as that character so that there is still an obstacle that your main character has to overcome and work towards.
            In my opinion, one of the most important things you need, no matter what kind of story you plan to write, is to plan ahead. At least if you wish to write a long story. Picture some important moments that you really want to have in your story and set it as a checkpoint. That way, you will already have some great moments set and all you have to do is write towards that moment and come up with a way on how or why that moment came to be. That's how I came up with most of the twist and turns in my story ^^. I basically already had some key moments in my mind that would happen in Season 4 while I was still writing Season 1 or 2.
            Again, depending on what story you plan on writing or what you need help with, these tips might not help you at all but if they did, then I hope that I could be of assistance ^^.


You have some sort of writer’s block either that or maybe you’ve lost interest? That isn’t really the question though truthfully I just wanted to know if you were doing alright mentally and physically, mind you this is purely just to check up on one of my favorite authors wellbeing. I’m not trying to rush you or anything like that, the more time the better the chapters will turn out. Take how ever long you need. Love ya DanieruLOF


@Duhpage19 I am feeling mentally and physically fine so no need to worry about me. But still, thank you for your concern ^^.


Hello there, I don’t know if you remember me, I was the JenniferBrech5 person that posted on your profile years ago, anyway, just wanted to check in on you and see how things are going. 


@DanieruLOF Alright, that’s fine, just wanted to check in on you 


@KateThePuppo624 I am fine, don't worry. I don't know when I will update my stories, sorry.


Hi how are you doing 


@JavierFloresHerrera0 Sorry, I don't know when I will update the story.


@DanieruLOF why havent you updated anything


@JavierFloresHerrera0 I'm doing fine, thank you for asking ^^.


Hi, thinking of making any update of your mlp: The legend of friendship or mlp equestria girl: Friendship games stories this year yet.


Well that fine, whatever work, I'm still willing to wait longer. 
            Love your stories.


Hey, did you heard that some of the Wattpad account has been deleted by some random people I don’t know if it’s true or just rumors I’m not sure it’s real but just in case for safety, you have some back up not trying to scare you just thought I’d give you a warning 


@wilsarpik Well, I have my stories uploaded on two more sites and I also have everything saved as a text file so if it comes to the worst, I'm well prepared.