
Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for disappearing, but my job has been really draining and I just couldn't find enough time to write. Anyway, I decided to change the aesthetic of my story a bit and for those who are still here, I'll probably update tonight. Have a nice day x


Thanks for the follow ❤


@_Tsuneoki_ yes indeed! Talking about classics is something else altogether! ❤
            And to be honest, Wuthering Heights was the craziest classic I've ever read! Brontë had a wild imagination for creating that masterpiece!
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@_Tsuneoki_  you're very welcome ❤ We had a great talk about the book and I really enjoy analysing good ol' classics 
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I'm in love with your profile picture!!


@ILoveNiallHoran19 ahahah ,no worries :) And you're welcome ,I love your preferences and imagines x
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