
I really don't care what you say about my story ppl like it so if you dint like back off


@troylerphanjasperotp the comment was clearly directed to a character who they didn't like, it wasn't directed towards the story or the writer, the commenter told you that it was towards a character, people have opinions, and are free to use them. It is like me saying i dont ship Phan or Jasper, i would still watch all 4 of those channels, but i wouldn't ship it, people cant tell me to stop watching, just because i didnt like a small part of it. Same goes to here.


I don't like what you posted on my comments in my story so stop reading if you dont like it and post another ill block and report you ok 


@troylerphanjasperotp sorry the comment was posted because of josh's mom and the fact that she didnt except Josh . It was not directed to you .


What does the quote or poem of ur background profile picture say


@Wings_of_Steel there are four things you cant recover in life , the stone after it's thrown,the word after it's said, the occasion after it's missed ans the time...after it's gone