
Don't know if anyone cares but I've started writing again.  It's going slowly but I got a new desk and a new monitor and a great set up and yeah. I didn't have much privacy in my previous step up and if you've read my work I need privacy, but now I got that and I can write all the smut that I want!  So here's hoping that I get more writing done in 2023!


Don't know if anyone cares but I've started writing again.  It's going slowly but I got a new desk and a new monitor and a great set up and yeah. I didn't have much privacy in my previous step up and if you've read my work I need privacy, but now I got that and I can write all the smut that I want!  So here's hoping that I get more writing done in 2023!


I know I haven't posted in a really long time...I just haven't felt in the mood to write and anything I do write when I feel like that gets deleted, I am working on the next one shot as we speak, but while you wait for that to come out I suggest going to tapas and look up the novel Heart to Heart: Fated Paths by EmAuthor. It was this story that inspired me to write again. If you look in the comments I'm sure you can find me commenting something. She has other works as well that are comics that are amazing. Unfortunately the author passed away shortly after realizing physical copies of Heart to Heart. I never was able to meet her in person but she is the only author on Tapas that I have ever bought something from. She was super kind and touched a lot of people with her stories. Her family and friends continue to update the stories that were not finished as a way to honor her. So if your bored and want something new to read that completed and free I suggest EmAuthor on tapas. I hope you guys are having a wonderful day, evening, night, etc be safe and hopefully next time you get a notification from me it will be a one shot!


I must have done something to piss someone off cause this last week has sucked. First I had my monthly visit from my aunt flow, she always gives me a headache that doesn't leave tell she does. Then just as aunt flow is leaving, I get sick, so sick that I was laid up in bed for two days with a horrible cough and muscle ache so bad I felt like I  had done a full body work out and was now regretting it. Then right when I start to feel better and have a bit of hope that my suffering is over, I get a tooth ache, and lucky for me my dentist closes early on Fridays and doesn't open back up tell Monday. So now my weekend will be spent in pain, because it seems like the over the counter pain pills aren't doing jack. For the love of whatever you believe in brush your teeth at least once a day, or you will be in a world of pain and medical debt like me. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go pretend I'm not in pain and try and get some sleep, with my luck though I wont get any. Hope you guys are doing better than me and that you have a wonderful day, evening, night, etc. Stay safe!


          I hope you're accepting reading requests. I've started a new story "an anatomy of a wounded soul". It is a thrill/mystery teen fiction. 
          I hope you take a chance to read the story. 
          Please do and leave feedbacks. 
          Thank you.


@noFOOKINidea I would love to read your story, unfortunately right now I'm super busy and don't really have the time but when I do I'll make sure to check it out! 


We are moved! Hopefully this is the last move I will ever have to do. My work area is kind of set up but its a work in progress but the really good news is that we have internet....kinda, we are doing a temp thing through our cell service tell the actual internet can be hooked up. This means I can post again! I cant wait to get started and posting again! Like always I hope you guys are staying safe and that you have a wonderful day, evening, night, etc.


Soooooooooo I'm moving. This time into a house that I hopefully never have to move out of. That's right Mr. DarkBunnie92 and I are buying a house and moving in this month, on top of that one of my baby bunnies has pink eye. So yeah. IDK when I'll be able to get the one shot up cause we start the moving process Monday..as in tomorrow. So unless I finish it today it will take more time. I'm really sorry that it is taking so long. Life just keeps getting in the way or I have writers block and dont make any progress cause I keep back tracking. Wish me luck on finishing today. Hope you have a wonderful day, evening, night, etc! Stay safe!


I'm alive but I'm dead. Sorry for the not posting the last few months of the year are always hard on me. Lots of death and hard memories always seem to come up as soon as Sep comes. It also doesn't help that at the end of Sep had some dental work done and after the left side of my mouth wouldn't stop hurting. It still currently hurts and I've already had a root canal down on the problem tooth. I've started on some medicine that should help make the swelling go down which in turn will stop the near constant throbbing I've felt for the last couple of weeks. I am currently working on the last one shot that was supposed to go up before the incident and so far its 14 pages long in Word docs, its turning out to be a long one. Hopefully that will be up before Halloween but no promises. Thank you so much to everyone that has stuck around while I reupload all my one shots, and for dealing with the long pauses between each upload. If you don't know already I have an AO3 acct under the same name as my wattpad that I'm also uploading all my one shots on to. I hope you guys have a great day, evening, night, etc and a safe Halloween if you celebrate it and I'll see you guys at the next monthly update!


I am alive! Barely. This last month has been...hard. everyone in my apartment has gotten sick and just when I think we are down we get sick again. I've been dealing with some tooth pain as well being sick and taking care of my whole family (I was the least sick) I currently have a massive headache that is so bad I can't move my head certain ways, and my sleep schedule is all out of wack. I just want to say sorry I haven't posted in a really long time. I'm hoping that things get better but who knows. I hope all you guys are healthy and well and that your staying safe. Have a wonderful day, evening, night, etc! Hopefully I'll be back to posting soon. 


So I thought I was almost done with rereading and editing the one shots that were up before they all got deleted but come to find out I'm not as organized as I thought I was and I found more one shots. So yay for your guys but boo for me cause I find it so cringing to sit and read my own fan fiction...anyway hopefully soon I'll be back to writing and not just editing. As always I hope you guys are staying safe, and that you have a wonderful day, evening, night, etc!


@diguised_dove Your right I am almost at 200 followers which was quite the shock to me! I'm so glad you enjoy my one shots! So sorry its taken me so long to get back to you, life has been so crazy and it feels like it is just calming down now.


@DarkBunnie92 Your almost at 200 followers! I love your oneshots, I've been trying to find some that include smut but none are as good as yours.


Update: Turns out it was only one, one shot that was out of place, I dont know if I posted it before everything got deleted but its good to know that I only have two that need to be read and edited and posted and then I can move on to finishing the ones I had started and completing all the requests I had. I also wont be saying who requested what anymore i'll just be posting the one shot.


Don't know when the next one shot will be up, going through some things right now, on the bright side almost all of the old one shots are up I think I have like two more to read through and then post, and then it will be on to brand new one shots. So that's something to look forward to. Like always I hope you guys are staying safe and that you have a wonderful day, evening, night, etc!


@DarkBunnie92 hope ur having a good night, day, or evening as well!!