
Holla gais! Just nak bagitahu yang start from tomorrow saya akan jarang update cerita ii saya sebab saya akan start busy dengan belajar. Sem 2 saya akan start Isnin depan. Tapi saya cuba cari masa untuk update. For you gais. I'll try my best. 
          	Keep reading and keep voting okayh? 
          	Love you muahhh <3


@DarkRosey__ you too baby ❤️


@DarkRosey__ okayy akak ! Belajar elok-elok ❤️


Holla gais! Just nak bagitahu yang start from tomorrow saya akan jarang update cerita ii saya sebab saya akan start busy dengan belajar. Sem 2 saya akan start Isnin depan. Tapi saya cuba cari masa untuk update. For you gais. I'll try my best. 
          Keep reading and keep voting okayh? 
          Love you muahhh <3


@DarkRosey__ you too baby ❤️


@DarkRosey__ okayy akak ! Belajar elok-elok ❤️


          Title : For All Those People
          By : Ella J. Philips
          This is for all those people
          Who hide in the dark,
          For those who feel hopeless,
          For those with a broken heart.
          This is for every child and teen
          Who is trying to flee from their fears,
          For those who cry themselves to sleep,
          For those who drown in their tears.
          This is for people who hide their scars
          Upon their wrists and their thighs.
          I want to remind each of you
          There is a reason you're alive. 
          You are here for a purpose;
          You are needed in this place.
          You are special, you are beautiful.
          It doesn't matter what size, gender, or race.
          You are perfect just the way you are. 
          You are priceless, a wonderful new. 
          You are dearly treasured by many.
          There is no one more important than you.
          ( ◜‿◝ ) ♡



Hy! Can i get a followback?


@izyyyan You're welcome <3


@DarkRosey__ thnkyou! ❤️


Annyeong!! tumpang promote ye authorシ︎
          I think you'd like this story: "Paint The Heart.   [OG]" by taerossa on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/279696298?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.whatsapp&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=library&wp_uname=taerossa&wp_originator=chWHOHY2WqkxBRa9ktYpXVCglGqsBFKv0E6Bzely7g14NrTJhPGqZ5R9l%2BC33G6V1xSGFP1ol6EOr0jB0SM%2BPmywMjd7wPf7ey3aJn5uMUIKqBxWmuS7bOuYnikzAaJ4
          Siapa yang bosan bolehlah tekan link tu♡︎
          So guys jemput baca tau <333


Assalamualaikum dan hai! Come and visit my profile @nroseaisyh dan bacalah buku HAYDAR ROSE.
          "If the leaves of tree put you in trouble or disturb your sight, deal with the root of the tree, not the leaves. So that, it will never disturb you ever again." - Haydar Black
          "Tapi, bukankah kita patut beri peluang kedua pada pokok itu?" - Rose Alvinne
          Pertemuan semula di antara dua manusia yang terpisah selama 20 tahun ini dianggap rahmat, namun hakikatnya laknat. Kedua-dua mereka menyimpan rahsia penuh dusta antara satu sama lain, dan akhirnya meninggalkan luka yang penuh jerih dan perih.
          Matahari dan bulan tidak akan pernah bersatu, meski kedua-duanya saling melengkapi. Begitulah takdir mereka, penuh kecewa dan dusta walaupun hati mengatakan cinta.
          "The world is the scariest, it keeps lying to us." 
          Ini bukan kisah cinta, namun ini cerita penuh dengan dusta dunia.
          Hakikat sebenar-benarnya tentang sebuah kehidupan dipaparkan dalam HAYDAR ROSE, you're the liar of justice. Sama-sama kita tambah kesedaran dalam jiwa yang ketandusan ilmu ini.
          Terima kasih!