
Soo... *scratches my head* Happy 2021... 
          	Lot's has happened, and I have grown and learned from it. I am ready to speak about things that have happened to me. And it start with everything from around 6th grade, and for like messures of what that means, Im a senior in highschool now. 
          	I will be writing a story called "Gone To Dust" and its Based on TRUE events that have happened to me. I'm so glad to be writing again. 
          	It's been awhile since I said this but, @DarkShowMystery1234 out


Soo... *scratches my head* Happy 2021... 
          Lot's has happened, and I have grown and learned from it. I am ready to speak about things that have happened to me. And it start with everything from around 6th grade, and for like messures of what that means, Im a senior in highschool now. 
          I will be writing a story called "Gone To Dust" and its Based on TRUE events that have happened to me. I'm so glad to be writing again. 
          It's been awhile since I said this but, @DarkShowMystery1234 out


Hi!!! I want to tell you something!!!!
          Ok guys!!! If you are old enough or have Netflix watch "What The Health"
          My mom and I were watching this and well it was weird just wow!! It's all about the money anywhere!! It's about how you can get cancer but just eating CHICKEN I mean lots of us eat our chicken our stakes and we have never noticed that we can get really hurt by them. How about that cheese. Its sooooo additive right. Well its because they feed our animals drugs and its in the air!!! thought fish was healthy I think not!!! they are one of the worst! Eat one serving of processed meats a day like your hotdogs your bacon (I know the beloved bacon) and cold cuts are killing us off more then they killed in 9/11!!! Every year!!!! Then you know the fresh fruits and veggies well think of pig poop water sprayed all over it unfiltered!!!! That's what they do to our foods!!! What are we supposed to eat!!! Everything is killing us!!!! Their in it for the money!!!! And don't forget the eggs and dairy products!!!! Yoplait is a breast cancer providers to help but not really!! it actually causes it!!!!


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Hey! yeah so hi people it's been a while hasn't it well I have been through tough stuff and all that and well I'm just so stuffed with homework and school and everything I'm just flushed and ugh I'm like moving so I'm packing until the midnight hours then trying to do my homework and just dying in pain because of my back, And right now as we speak it is 5:30 and I should be sleep and I'm just getting done my homework and ugh death is gonna just hit me hard with in the next 2 seconds.... 1.........2........adfknladfn;ldfn;ladfsklfdslkjlkjdfs;a 
          sorry that's me just slamming my face on the key board and ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ......... Well if I'm gonna be doing this I wanna know if anyone would like to help like I can help me with my stories and all that and maybe it could help a whole lot and I could just write when I can and you probabaly writing right now but to be honest I can't at the moment right now I should be writing and essay and it is 5:33 in the morning where I am and I gotta go to school in like 2 hours and I've been up all night. Wish me good luck please send me you luck my great ol' people the follow and ready because if you don't I migh crash and burn. 
          will wanna here something cool???? 
          I gonna make a book on my middle school years!!! how does that sound the title is gonna be @EVERYTHING/WRONG/WITH/MIDDLESCHOOL and all rights are preserved so if you take my shit I will know I got eyes every where 0-<>-0 See this guy he is my spy and if you steal my shit he bits!!!!!!!!(good birdy) so @EVERYTHINGWRI+ONGWITHMIDDLESCHOOL and I am actually looking for some people how wanna help because I want it to be different perspectives(hey there and let me correct it I wanna live a life from a new perspective P!@td ) and everything and we can make something great because if so I wanna make two even so if you wanna help or know how wants to help just message me or tell them to message me. So I  gotta go and sleep for 20 minutes
          As alway love DSM1234


I know it's only been 4 days but my life is clearing up alittle kinda... someone I love is moving far far away and it gonna hurt. But this what I need right know so that's good. I guess if you one lets talk cuz everyone has a bad freaking day sometimes right! so of you in that mood where venting is good talk to me! I understand.  if you wanna say talk about anything an everything just text and don't be shy! I love you all.... I just need the people who are close to me to stop dying and moving away.