
HEY I'M ALIVE M'kay I probably won't be writing anytime soon, since I'm wrapping up my senior year with some craploads of work ahead of me, so.... Anyways I do actually hope I get to write soon haha okay this was weird bye


@ Dark_Angel_Loki I'm glad to be back and I am happy to see all these comments and support so yay


Hey! Idk if you remember me but its Becca :) Im not sure if you'll get this but im glad i found something kinda recent of yours. Ive missed you! I hope you can see this and we can talk again xx


@ cutequeenimagines  Thanks :D 


@cutequeenimagines that's really awesome, im glad its working out for you uwu


@cutequeenimagines Yeah I'm great compared to last time we spoke, I guess. I survived high school, and just passed my first year of uni with ease. Also, I'm managing my mental health much better so yay :)


HEY I'M ALIVE M'kay I probably won't be writing anytime soon, since I'm wrapping up my senior year with some craploads of work ahead of me, so.... Anyways I do actually hope I get to write soon haha okay this was weird bye


@ Dark_Angel_Loki I'm glad to be back and I am happy to see all these comments and support so yay


Hey I didn't update my Loki imagines today, even though I planned to, but SPN gripped me tight and told me to write (lol that kind of rhymes haha)
          I don't know when I'll update the Loki imagines again, because as of tomorrow I won't have any wifi to use my computer to go on Wattpad, and writing goes slow on my phone
          In short: Wait and hope for more soon ;)


I updated my SPN story and I'm pretty far with part two of the 'Stockholm Syndrome' imagine. I'm going to bed now, so I'll probably finish that tomorrow. I also have the 7th chapter of my SPN story planned for tomorrow.
          SO: expect more to come soon! (I hope)
          Love y'all, bye!