
okay guys so i made the new wattpad i haven't chosen the new pen name yet but i am almost done chapter 1 of the book i am starting on that account the new account is @demonlover98


@Darkcrimson227 hope you all come stop by soon



Hey guys after a long and painful time of thinking i think i am going to stop writting annabelles fate for now i might come back to it someday but as for now i think its for the best honestly i lost my motivation and i think imma scrap the name crimson as well its a hard choice i have become one with the name and books but i think its time for me to move on from the past and forget it all and this series and name arent helping me do that once i come up with a new name i might share it here im not sure 


hey everyone  i just posted chapter 3 of memories called Don't Touch Him go check it out and don't forget book 1 is for sale on amazon and a go fund me is up to take donations so i can get a new laptop to write because the one i had is no longer able to handle the work load. thanks again and feedback is always welcome


Hey guys sorry i havent been writing sadly the laptop i was using is no longer available to me and i am in need of a new one it u would like to help me in that venture then please support me by donating at this link aslo i will no lionger be working with aririh as she is a *mumbles something to self* anyways thanks for ur time.