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DUDE IM SHOKED HOW YOUR ACCOUNT IS STILL NOT RECOGNIZED ENOUGH BY THE WHOLE WATTPAD COMMUNITY. this was pure art I just read the best Trevor FF EVER. I MEAN HELLO? Can we appreciate how well you describe each emotion, personality, looks THE ACTIONS THE EVERTHING?! Literally mind blowing how detailed, fucked up and beautiful at the same time it was. Yes, you did exaggerate Trevor’s psychology OR WHATEVER, but it made it A LOT better. I love how you put so many little details into it, how you let the original character (Livia) get influenced by Trevor’s character and personality a little. It was just pure perfection. Holy shit. 
          I don’t wanna talk about the sexy times, left me speechless ESPECIALLY AT THE END. still good writing  
          Big compliment that you didn’t let Trevor’s personality pussy out so quick, like most people would do and let him literally “mature” in each chapter, letting him try to change for himself and livia and their baby  
          The drama, the slow building romance the friendship the sadness, everthing so well described. I could literally FEEL every emotion she had, Trevor had EVERBODY HAD.
          I really hope you didn’t gave up on this mast piece and will continue this so I can tattoo it in my back. (Jk..)