
There's a poll up on my Patreon for who you want it to be in the van. I'm torn and can't decide so help me out!


I think she definitely should get punished for this, maybe more than a spanking. I think she should have to stay glued to the brothers' hips for a while and possibly her have to bunk in one of their rooms or they bunk with her for a bit (too keep her from running off in the middle of the night) and for sure lots of reassuring they want her and love her too - bear hugs and cuddles and other signs of affection from all six brothers please?  thanks 


@emzwilz22 I really like this idea more than mine honestly it makes sense.  


I say let it be the bad guys but let her be rescued very quickly since she should escape like a bad ass  but runs into Damon and Alex. I think she’ll get her bottom handed to her later but if it was her brothers in the can she will feel betrayed since they are mainly ignoring her as well 


Hii you're an amazing writer but your updates are really very very slow and very short. Can you do smthing about that? Plzzz


Plus there is a link on my profile to my Patreon account where you can pay $3 a month and get access to several more stories :)
            Aside from that, all I can suggest is searching through Wattpad for some more great stories to read. There are lots, if you look! One of my favourite writers on here is Rddudd. Their work is amazing!


@vivasingh3126 But here are links to a book on Amazon where you can buy one of my books (or read it in KU) https://www.amazon.com/Disciplined-Her-Big-Brothers-spanking-ebook/dp/B09M48SWYT


@vivasingh3126 You're kidding, right? I'm a professional writer - it's how I make my living. Most stuff I write, people pay to read. You get the privilege of reading it for free here and you're complaining I'm not writing a free story fast enough for you??


Hi, I'm wondering if you can help me please? I follow you on patreon, on the free membership one because I simply can't afford to pay a monthly fee (I honestly wish I could!). I've seen you have a bonus Christmas chapter of Her Mafia Brothers which to read is an upgrade to a paid membership. Do you know if there is a way I can just pay for one month so I can read this chapter? I'm struggling to figure it all out and would very much appreciate your help! Thank you x


@emzwilz22 Yes you can pay for one month and then cancel your membership any time before the next payment is due. You'll have access to everything on the site until the end of the month that you paid for 


I need help from my fellow Wattpadians!!!!!!!! I was reading a book and it accidently got deleted! I feel like it was called shatter or broken somth like that, it was about a girl who went to live with her step siblings siblings, her name was ashia or somth but one of the brothers Mattao called her ay, she is 14 in the book, had a sister Tiana 16, and twin brothers 18 that were her step sibs, she was extremely abused by Tiana and her birth father
          please please let me know if you have heard of this book ever 


@RoseieElwins did you find it. Please let me know too 


@Lovelacemay I have not heard of this book, but hopefully someone else has and can help you! Good luck! :)


I saw some people saying that Logan should be the one to punish Carrie and PLEASE don't do that. One it would weird out their relationship, two Damon never breaks his promises and he already told her that Logan wouldn't ever punish her, and three Logan is barely a man. She should be able to have a normal sibling relationship with at least one of her brothers 


@Katygurl11 It's free to make one, follow me, and vote in the poll! I do have paid tiers too, but they're optional.


I don't have an account!


@Katygurl11 Did you vote? On my Patreon there is a poll :)


Hi Darla, do you have a Patreon that you keep updated,  I'm missing your updates and thought I might follow you on Patreon if you have one. Thanks!


@DarlaLayne perfect I signed up, thanks!