I am a short fiction writer with a large thirst for science fiction and horror, the macabre, and weird tales. I have been writing since I was a child, however, I am not invested in selling my work. I write solely for myself as my own kind of therapy to eradicate the plethora of voices and ideas in my head. I blame Neil Gaiman for my wickedly grim imagination, which is topped off with a splashing of H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe. As I learned to write for myself, and not for an agent, or to sell work, I have found myself free of stress to write and put my ideas onto page. 

I edit as I write. I give my work a few reads once completed for spelling and to fix any grammar issues which I see. My work may not always be what others expect, but, to me, it is perfect as I am the one who spent time developing the ideas and characters and write.

Writing has always been a passion for me. The best thing about writing for myself and for my own experience and pleasure, I get to tell stories that wouldn’t be popular enough to publish.

I read and write a lot of poetry.

I am a huge geek. If I am not watching Star Trek or something equally dorky I can be found reading science fiction. If I am feeling in the mood for something deliciously dark I will pull out the Necronomicon by Lovecraft and dive straight into the weirdness. I am also a big Robert E Howard fan, and read the Conan shorts quite a lot.

Among many of my geeky traits I am a Japanophile. I have a deep passion for anything related to Japan. The Japanese culture is vastly rich, Japanese people are lovely, and Anime makes me happy :) I have read, and continue to read, tons of books on Japan from history to travel guides. As I study history and Evolutionary biology, educating myself on Japanese history is a pleasure to which I am grateful for being able to do.

  • UK
  • Se ha unidoJuly 11, 2013

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