
Happy 4th of July everyone!
          	I hope everyone is having an amazing day!


Hey lovely human, accept my cuddles! ❤️
          Post this on everyone you care about's wall, because everyone deserves love.
          It doesn't matter how many you get back because all you need to know is, I love you and support you, no matter what <3


•There's no turning back after you start reading this. Trust me, This will put a smile on your face. Every night someone thinks about you. At least 15 people in this world love you. The only reason someone whatever hate it was because they want to be you. There are two types of people in this world, that are which for you, and that are against you.•
          [You mean the world is someone. someone you don't even know loves you. Anytime you make a mistake, good comes out of it. Whenever you think the world has turned against you, turn around. Remember the compliments someone has given you and not the rude things.]
          ☺So if your a loving friend, send this to 15 people, (including the one who sent you it :D) Something good will happen between noon and 4 pm tomorrow, it could be anywhere. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life. Send this to 15 people, make someone's day! help someone out! Remember that you are loved. ☺
          F-ight for you 
          R-espect you
          E-ncourage you
          N-eed you
          D-eserve you
          S-ave you
          {If you get 4 back your like, of you get 7 back your loved, and if you get 15 back your amazing!}


You have been chosen to be showered in love.
          So enjoy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
          No. Post this on everyone’s message board who you think deserves it. If you get
          1 back - you’re loved
          2 back - you’re popular 
          3 back - you’re one of the most lovable persons out there
          9 back - wow, I’m jealous


          You have been chosen to be showered with love so enjoy!!!! 
          Now post this to everyone’s wall who you think deserves all the love in the world. 
          If you get.... 
          1 back= you're loved 
          3 back= you're popular 
          5 back= you're one of the most lovable person out there 
          9 back= Wow I’m jealous 
          Don’t break this chain unless you want to break someone’s heart.


Beautiful Person Award
          You're beautiful, gorgeous, breathtaking, stunning, funny kind and loving. Once you're given this award copy and paste it into the conversation of other amazing people like you! If you break this chain, well, nothing bad happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out.
          And you're a blessing from God


Once you get this award you should paste it to a conversation of 8 people who deserve it. Nothing happens if you break the chain, but it's nice to let someone know they're beautiful inside and out...
          Whenever you are down, remember that I'm always here, and that I always love you and will look up to you, and that I always want to be happy and keep smiling.
          I just want to let you know that things can get difficult at times and life will be showing its cruelty to you, but it's okay to cry, it's okay to swear and shout, and never bottle it up.
          Whatever you do, just don't give up, just as much ugly life can get, it is always worth living. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Hey, you-
          yes, you. I want to remind you of something.
          Do you know how loved you are?
          Do you know how much I appreciate you?
          Do you know how much others appreciate you?
          Seriously, you’re amazing.
          So don’t ever give up hope.
          There’s a sunrise coming, you just can’t see it.
          Pass this message along-and make it come from the heart!
          (P.S This was from @annalea1227 posted on my feed! Please pass along!)


@Daughter_of_Aslan  Your welcome!!! It made my day too when I saw it on my feed!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)  And I want it to make other people's day!!!!!!!!!!! :)


Thanks, that made my day :)