
Thanks for following me, David.  I'm following back, and I'm looking forward to checking out your stories.  Thanks for reading one of mine and leaving your kind comments. :-D


@realpeal Oh, one other thing, while I could use more readers for The Deadlands with it being a work in progress (I can't exactly change the published bits much at all), I'd recommend you check out Gus or To Take A Life rather than the work in progress.


@realpeal You're most welcome and thanks for following back. Just sorry I'm not much help with content feedback. I've done line editing, you see, and very much have a technical mind. Content I find too subjective as well, unless something doesn't make sense or it's awful, so I tend to stay clear of it and well . . . technical feedback, I tend to prefer doing that privately and I'd be thorough, so it'd be a bit hard to do on here via the comment section.


Hey, just realized I hadn't followed you yet. I want to give whatever support I can to those of us on here working to build our careers. I'll be checking out your work more when I get a break from teaching. Thanks for all of your comments on the message boards. I enjoy reading your perspective.


No rush, worries, and thanks for following back. :) Gus is what I'd recommend, not because I think The Deadlands is poor (you've read some of it anyway), but I think I have a lot to offer with Gus, plus it's finished and short. Can't tweak any of it based on feedback though with being published. With you being a teacher though, I'm not sure you'd need the technical feedback I offered, though I know we all miss things.


Thank you for the follow. Welcome to Wattpad and hope you find lots of good reading and enjoy writing here ☺


@David_Gilmore Okay sorry for the delay, not everything winds up properly in my email.
            Going to look now ;)


@MetisRebel You're most welcome, and thanks for following me back. :) Not sure if you have, but with you liking a story about homeless people the other day, you might want to check out Gus. It's complete, only 1,750 words. Not about homeless people though, but it does offer social commentary.