
So tonight I'm about to see Logan. From the reviews I've read so far... The movie is fantastic. Can't wait!!


Hey all... So I got the chance to play Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. I gotta say, the game is pretty goddamn awesome! RE7 brings the franchise back to its horror roots. With its puzzles, creepy moments, memorable boss battles, some disgusting gore, and of course characters. I think one of my favorite parts of the game is the gameplay. The ammo for guns in the game are soooo hard to find. I tried to find one little handgun ammo and it took forever to find. The ammo is not that well good, making you feel like you're really in a survival horror game. 
          The final verdict of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard is a 10/10.
          Will I make a story involved in this? You bet!