

@Antimonous "...but you glow an odd color..." the little girl frowned but shook her head in disregard "...Um... yeah! He was my only real friend!... um... I used to know a person who acted like a daddy but he disapeared too... but saeva was really nice and... and then one day I went to go and visit and there was a new person. .. he said he was Rahen.. and that Saeva was Rahen's maker... or something... and he said Saeva left.." she frowned "...I miss him!" she pouted childishly


@Deamhan "I am not. I am...mostly human. As far as I know, this Darkness that covers me is not of a demonic sort." He raises his black hand before her, a dark mist moving slowly around it. He lowers it back before inquiring, "This Saeva, I take it he's very important to you? Is he missing?"