
Please follow this account if you are a follower of @demongodess640 . I, demongodess640, is using this account due to errors with my phone. I hope you all understand.


Hi! I am close to DeathDragonz. If you are wondering what happened , School stuff and other things are bothering her. I, Site undetected , am a close member to her , I have also been going through to what she is also is , Thank you!
          Also follow me if you can! I'm making 2 stories but one has been put on hold. Thanks!


Hey D.Dragon or D.Godess, I bet you won't remember me but I was scrolling on my account conversations and remembered your old account which wrote on my message board. Well, I didn't make a second book for "No Going Back" but I made a clearer rewrite that you could see if you have already.
          Cheers~! -Rshadow1207


Thank you so much! And sorry for the late reply.