
Hey guys, just wanted to say that 10 minutes after I post this message, I will be deleting this account. I have already followed you all on my other account. If you can't find it, then message this account: @EmberMoon1212 I had so much fun with you guys, and I hope we can keep in touch :) Goodbye...


Hey guys, just wanted to say that 10 minutes after I post this message, I will be deleting this account. I have already followed you all on my other account. If you can't find it, then message this account: @EmberMoon1212 I had so much fun with you guys, and I hope we can keep in touch :) Goodbye...


Hey guys, I'm thinking about deleting this account. I don't need it anymore, I never use it, and I have another account that I like more and am more successful. Before I get rid of it, I will be re-following all of you on my other account. I hope that we can keep in touch, and that you can still appreciate my works (if you read them). I hope to see you all again :)


@DeathYuune @ToniBlackRiver And thank you so much for following, it means a lot ❤


@DeathYuune what's your other account name so I can follow it :)


Hello Hatchlings!~ Before I have to leave the computer ( ;-; ), I would like to say please go check out this account:
          Now, I'm mainly saying this because @Toni_BlacRiver keeps bothering me about it, but I checked out their account (its a collab account) and it's actually not that bad! I suggest following, they seem really nice!


this message may be offensive
Hello Hatchlings!~ So, I have something to say that will be posted on four different accounts. Now, some of you may have already figured this out, but who I am is a lie. I actually have four accounts, and the one closest to the real me is here: @EmberMoon1212 and I know some of you will be thinking "So what? We don't fucking care!" to which I say go fuck yourself. You didn't have to read this. Anyway, that also means that all my "friends" (Mack/Jack/Amanda/etc) are all actually my OCs, including "myself", Death Yuune. My other two accounts are here: @Sedalia_Rose_Marshal @Toni_BlackRiver Now, I will most likely continue with the whole deal of acting as if Death is a real person, and acting as if Death is me, but if you'd rather see the real me, please go to my Ember account. I hope you all continue to support me, and if not, then I hope you enjoyed your time here, good night :)


Hello!~ Does anyone have any art ideas for me? I'm feeling creative, but I don't really know what I would like to make... Request whatever you want! An OC, something I've already done, a sip, whatever, doesn't matter. You can also request what materials I use, such as watercolor, pencil, marker, digital art, etc. I don't really care! ^^ Please try to request something! :)


@EternalFanficLover Of course! Sorry that I only saw this now ^^U


H3LL0 H@TCHL1NG$!! JK, Hello Hatchlings~ Anyway, I want to say that I need you guys to go to my book titled "Random" and comment on the last two chapters. There will be a third eventually, but I don't have the time right now. Please try to help me with this, I really want people to see this so I can interact with you guys more! ^^