
Emilie Autumn is as of now my absolute favorite person evar!


R u saying that americans r stupid cuz i think u r.  I live in georgia and i am in gifted classes plus i am an ice skater that has won every competition that i have had so far which is 4 comps a year so that means that i have won first place in 20 competitions.
                     Now do u see that americans arent stupid( even though some are but im not and lots are not) for example we found out about electricity


for those who have watched Repo! The Genetic Opera, I hope you are as excited for The Devil's Carnival as I am you can look up the full songs from the soundtrack at and for those who for some reason have not watched Repo! The Genetic Opera, I sincerely hope you get the chance!


Cool random vampire fact: It early years concerning vampires people would scatter grains of rice or other kinds on top of the graves of loved ones for fear that they might be vampires because people thought that vampires suffered from arithmomania a type of OCD that makes the person count everything it sees and they hoped this would distract the vampire all night so it would not kill anyone.