
Starting a new series from this Saturday, 'Genre Carousel'.
          	As the name says itself, this series will be having chapters with different genres from poetry to romance. It'll be solely having microfictions. However, if one of the chapters receive too much love, I'd make another series for that chapter. Just like 'The Matrix' which gets a new chapter every Sunday, 'Genre Carousel' will receive a new chapter every Saturday. This Saturday, a thriller/drama will be published. 


Starting a new series from this Saturday, 'Genre Carousel'.
          As the name says itself, this series will be having chapters with different genres from poetry to romance. It'll be solely having microfictions. However, if one of the chapters receive too much love, I'd make another series for that chapter. Just like 'The Matrix' which gets a new chapter every Sunday, 'Genre Carousel' will receive a new chapter every Saturday. This Saturday, a thriller/drama will be published. 


✅ The Poetic Version of 'The Mainline' (The Ultimate Betrayal) is out! 
           Future Plans (For the next month) 
           Matrix (A Poem resembling the current education system). 
           The Undying Mysteries of Terra (A sci-fi story with an estimated of 3-5 parts)
          ⁉️ The Sideline (The continuation of 'The Ultimate Betrayal'. This should unfold some scenes that would change the complete perspective of part 1, 'The Mainline').
          ✍️ The titles may differ after being published as they aren't the final decisions. The sequence shall be as i said above but that's not for sure either haha. 
           Thanks for being one of my first readers out there! I really appreciate you providing me support. You're everything for me!