Brenna is a hobby writer, a lover of animals, and a dessert enthusiast.  When not writing, she can be found hiking, baking, and taking photos.

She has nine completed books on Wattpad and is currently working on new projects. Her books stand alone but can also be read together as there are occasionally overlapping characters.

Follow her to subscribe to updates about her recent releases.

Completed Works:

1. Thirty-One Letters (A Watty's 2021 Shortlist Selection)
2. Out of Tune
3. A Side Effect of Celebrity (formerly known as The 'It' Boy)
4. Mayfly Melodies
5. The Hunted
6. Hooked: The Untold True Story of Captain Hook [ONC 2021 shortlist/honourable mention AND Wattpad Retold July Book of the Month 2021]
7. The Golden Arrow [ONC 2022 Submission]
8. Game of Secrets and Shadows (Covert Operations: Book One)
9. Game of Dust and Ashes (Covert Operations: Book Two)

On the Go:
1. Broken Strings

Coming Soon:
1. Just Ask Andy (rewriting, new version release date TBD)
2. The Reason Why

Brenna has also reposted the original 2015 DRAFTS of her novels Out of Tune and A Side Effect of Celebrity (formerly named The It Boy) due to fan requests. She wants readers to note that these are old drafts and not consistent with her current writing style and are purely for readers to enjoy if they missed the old drafts of these books.

It's better to write for yourself and have no public than to write for the public and have no self-Cyril Connolly

If you want to contact me aside from a PM or comment you can reach me at

Cover photo by Georges Boutros on Unsplash
Profile picture by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash
  • Somewhere Beautiful
  • انضمApril 7, 2013

الرسالة الأخيرة
DelaneyBrenna DelaneyBrenna Oct 15, 2022 01:19AM
Hey all! It's been a hot minute since I've updated Broken Strings but with an insane summer comprised of 2 jobs, 2 softball teams, and moving to a new city, I needed a bit of time to readjust. Now...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Brenna
Hooked | ONC 2021 Shortlister, Ambassador Pick, and Honourable Mention بقلم DelaneyBrenna
Hooked | ONC 2021 Shortlister, Amb...
*The Wattys 2022 Shortlister* Hooked: The Untold True Story of Captain Hook His name is whispered in fear but...
Broken Strings بقلم DelaneyBrenna
Broken Strings
The past has come back to haunt Brock Mason. He had thought that the dissolution of their band two years earl...
The Golden Arrow [ONC 2022] بقلم DelaneyBrenna
The Golden Arrow [ONC 2022]
A sorcerer, a genie, and an outlaw - three individuals pulled together by fate through a winding tale of magi...
4 قوائم قراءة