
Helloooooo I am alive and have been editing my SmiiCat story recently. Wanted to let yall know that I merged chapter 7 with 8 since the timeline didn’t make sense and plus chapter 7 was quite short anyways so I thought why not ‍♂️ but now that chapter is even longer mwhahaha 


Helloooooo I am alive and have been editing my SmiiCat story recently. Wanted to let yall know that I merged chapter 7 with 8 since the timeline didn’t make sense and plus chapter 7 was quite short anyways so I thought why not ‍♂️ but now that chapter is even longer mwhahaha 


Due to all the recent drama with OhmWrecker. And the past drama with MiniLadd. I will no longer be writing fics oF them, or wiTh them. Mini iS in my Lucifer story, yes, but I will not be removing him n changing him for someone else because that is waaay to much effort. Unfortunately we’ll just have to deal with it. 


I am here to say: If you find aNy mistakes in my fics then please don’t be shy to tell me. It helps me a lot, instead of having to go through it all myself to find the mistakes, I can get to them easier if yall point em out. 
          I write my story’s in my notes, then when I paste them on wattpad, I go through all of it again to make sure nothings wrong obviously. But I tend to miss quite a lot ngl pFFt. 
          Imagine being a writer but struggle reading. Couldn’t be me. 


@DellyDentz this is so relatable, I write my stories in notes and my writer friends make fun of me but I’m also dyslexic so-


Me: Says I’ll post this new fic daily.
          Also me: Forgets to post for like 3 days or somf. 
          Also also me: I’ve ran out of chapters. Gonna have to wait till I write again
          Fuuuuk I’ve never posted a story whilst writing it at the same time. I rlly done goofed wiv that since I haven’t had the effort to write actual chapters lately. I’ve just been making plans for this other fic I have. ARRGH. 
          Sorry guys. Yall have to wait for me on this one 


Anyone got any writing tips? I think my writing sucks and I actually struggle sO mUcH. I feel like I overly explain things? And I can’t make things go smoothly like the sentences/paragraph would be going smooth n then bOoM the next sentence is completely different. Ye get what I’m sayin?¿ 


@DellyDentz  i think your writing is the best i saw nothing that will make me cringe or make me leave so keep doing what you do.


Like some sentences are just odd?  Outa place? Random?    IDK


I know people keep askin for Lucifer 2 but it ain’t gon happen guys, sorry. I wrote that in 2018 and have been going back to it every now and then since then, editing it. But now I’m finally happy with it. So I’ve stopped editing it and there most likely wont ever be a second book. But I will obviously be writing more H2OYoonz fanfics in the future. One of them I have planned is kind of like Lucifer anyways soooo sPoilER ALErT. But that won’t be anytime soon sorry. 


H2OToonz** In the mean time I’ve been working on 2Doc and SmiiCat