
Phew......finally finished.....just watched or rewatched all of Naruto and man......fav Akatsuki members hands down are Konan and Itachi hands down coolest Akatsuki members ever so sad how they went out Konan was the hardest was rooting for her win the whole fight but damn it Madara had to kill her.....but at least she kinda redeemed herself by joining Naruto’s cause or at least rooting for him 


Phew......finally finished.....just watched or rewatched all of Naruto and man......fav Akatsuki members hands down are Konan and Itachi hands down coolest Akatsuki members ever so sad how they went out Konan was the hardest was rooting for her win the whole fight but damn it Madara had to kill her.....but at least she kinda redeemed herself by joining Naruto’s cause or at least rooting for him 


Hey guys in my brotherhood OC story we hit 99 members of the brotherhood if anyone would like to be lucky number 100 then pm me I’ll give you guys a couple days remember to be a member you got to have a unique name,power,weapon/weapons,gotta have a weakness no matter how big or small doesn’t matter and a unique behavior how he /she/it will interact with others within the brotherhood or relationship if he/she/it has a certain liking to another brotherhood member NOTE: all members of the brotherhood are straight.....sorry


Btw: if your gonna have a certain relationship with another brotherhood member please pm me so that I can change a bit of the lore or relation to that character to fit your characters background 


Btw sorry I’ve been offline to often works been a bitch we’ve been understaffed for the past week and a half so I’ve been filling in for many people so I’m tired so I’m gonna continue to be offline but don’t worry I got some new stories coming out soon I hope at least the first chapters will be out but it’s gonna take some time next week I should be ripping apart stories and posting them........I hope I won’t make any promises but that’s what I’m hoping 


this message may be offensive
Holy fuck Wattpad fix you app please got back after 3 DAYS and I had 66+ notifications (granted most were from a follower in distress but I regress) it’s still stupid please fix your app this is getting ridiculous 


Literally just got back on after a week and I have 99 notifications because people spamming MB T_T


@ThunderbirdQueen I don’t think that’s the reason but thanks for the flattery 


@Demon_Wolf i think they forogt to remove the notify followers?


@Demon_Wolf people like you. They really like you. XD


Omg I just noticed you changed your PFP XD


It’s fine I don’t change it often I usually just find one and stay with it but I’d like to change up clay a bit i his looks department 