
Happy Louis birthday, I guess. I'm go kill myself with Larry smut now thanks 


hi, this is long so just bear with me. 
          I haven't updated in a very long time but I've been extremely busy. I will try to update sometime this month but school has been crazy. I have practice after school everyday until around seven and after homework and showers and dinner and everything  in between, it's hard for me to try to write a chapter that is somewhat decent because I am just SO tired and since it's a long weekend I would've liked to write a few chapter for each of my stories but unfortunately there is a football game today, I'm not sure what's exactly going on for tomorrow, but on Monday i have to go celebrate the anniversary of the death of someone who meant a lot to me so writing then wouldn't even be an option. HOWEVER, I have been writing in small bits and each of my stories have about a half chapter written. I believe that I put Terrible Things "on hold" but I might be taking it off of a "hold" depending on what my schedule is like. it will be easier to write once I've got all my shet together with life and have gotten on a regular schedule. if worse comes to worse and I can't find time to write between my daily life, updates will start to be regular around November once marching season ends. until then Xx