
Hey guys I'm so sorry but I just got a new phone and forgot my password  so I will make a new account and re-upload all my storys and update them. Follow me on @DenkiKkk


Hey I know this may be weird but I need some help with my love life  none of my friends will respond so I hope my followers care about me a bit more 
          Anyway so I have a major crush on my STRAIGHT best friend. I have no idea what to do she has no idea and I need to get over her sooner or later or I'm just going to get hurt. Can anyone recommend on how to deal with this? Thanks guys luv ya a bunch ❤


I’ll always be here for you to talk to hun


Also the best thing is communication and I. Have. Been. In.  The. Same. Boat. It’s horrible 


The best thing for you to do is to pour all you Like-Likeness into being a really good friend