
Hey! I was wondering if you could check out one of my stories? Maybe you could also comment/vote/become a fan??? It would mean a lot and i'd gladly return the favor!!! Hope to hear from you soon!!
          keep writing,


Hey, i was wondering, if you would mind (If you do mind and find these annoying then fair doo's to you) reading my story - there is nothing - or if you would prefer to read a completed story then maybe - the maze-. Plz vote and comment - it's much appreciated :) 
          ... also they're good if you want a change from vampire stories (If you don't then fair enough) My stories are different from the others. 
          HOLLY x


Hey, I commented and voted for your story, Barnes and Evans. I'm glad you commented on my story:The Golden Locket Series: Where It All Began! I just wanted to let you know that the first two chapters of the second book, The Golden Locket Series: Plotting Revenge is up!


Something for you to read when you have nothing to do and I PROMISE you, you'll LOVE all of it!~
          Here it is:
          A Death Lipstick Kiss On The Cheek - it has two chapters (new) and it is a Mysteromantic story with celebs.
          The Angel's Voice - Five chapters (new) and it is a celebrity world (I had this idea before the Watty Awards was announced :P)
          Please Be Careful With My Heart - two chapters (new) and it's about a girl teaching a hot dumbo where comedy happens!~
          my popular story? - 'I'm Pregnant By The Guy I Hate The Most!!' - 27 chapters ^_^
          vampire story? - not sure if you will like this one but here - 'Is my Blood Really That Irresistable?!'
          I hope you read, comment, vote, becaome a fan and if you have facebook: 'Like' it and if you have twitter, 'retweet' it :) 
          If you don't know how to vote or if you need any help; don't hesitate to drop by my profile and leave a message :)


Hello!!! Welcome to Wattpad(:
          Well, I was wondering if you would take the time to look at my story, "You're my Stormy Summer," he whispered. 
          & My new story, Bound For Eternity: Werewolf or Vampire Love? 
          Comment//Vote//Become a Fan:) Its all greatly appreciated! 
          I even have some poems up if you are interested:) 
          Thanks for your time:D