
Hey, basically I'm getting a new phone and I'm not sure how long it will be until I can update any of my stories. I will try. Thanks! 


Yeah... I've been in school for a week and a half and some how I'm already on the verge of death! You can't make year eights run a mile on their first P.E lesson! In the two days I've been thirteen, I have decided I am never growing up! How in Hades are we, literal kids! Meant to do ten sheets of set one MATH? This is after six months of nothing! Why? What did I ever do to the almighty greek goddesses and gods? 


Honestly as much as I like not going to school (the people at my school are evil) quarantine has made me wanna go back but unfortunately I have to wait until September . Quarantine really has made me want to go, make friends and reunite with my best friends. And has also made realise this weird feeling I had when I met a boy in year seven, back in September, his name is Billy and I like like him, I really can't wait to see him in year eight, in two months time. 


@Aproffesionalfangirl we are as well but will be doing it in our form classes and most of my friends are in 7rd with me, also by most I mean 5 of my friends 


You’re lucky. Next year, my school will be doing distance learning 