
Hello everyone! I'm writing to inform everyone of the completion of the first chapter of my first manga: Users Connect! If you want to check it out follow the links to read the chapter! I'd very much like it if you checked it out!
          	Mangaplus: DesertSkyPhoenix | MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA (
          	Webtoons: DesertSkyPhoenix | WEBTOON (


Hello! Today/night I have some great news that I'm dying to share with ya'll! I've discussed how I'm in the middle of getting my first manga created. Earlier this week, my artist has just finished the rough draft of Users Connect! Yay!
          For those of you interested in learning more about the story or wanting to check out some sneak peeks at the story then you can either check out my deviantart page:
          Or you can subscribe to my Patreon account for an exclusive first look at the full rough draft when you sub as a Founder. Not only will you get a first look at the rough draft but you'll have access to download the completed story as well as some artwork for the story signed by me the author! 
          Finally, we're doing a fundraiser to have the first chapter draw in full color! For those who sub on Patreon, you'll also get free download of the full colored version of the story if we hit our goal! Thank you for reading and have a nice night!


Hello readers, for those of you waiting and reading RNW and probably any of my other stories, I'll letting u know that I'll posting on DA as well as sharing them on my Twitter:
          For those who want to know what's going on or a sneak synopsis on the next chapter you can see them there as well. I'm sorry for being kind of lazy and not updating frequently but I've got somethings in the works. For example, I'll be working on my very first Manga! I've got more info on it on my DA if you want to check it out here's the link to it:
          I'll post more updates as progress continues. Thank you for reading and I hope you continue to enjoy reading my stories!


Hello readers! I'm writing to inform you of the latest rewrite for RNW. (Restart in the Next World!) For those who've enjoyed the story, you'll be welcomed to enjoy the story in a new style. This rewrite will bring out new interactions between characters, character development and events that written in the original. The first chapter is available through my patreon so if you like to check out how the new style is, feel free to check it out here! And please, let me know what you think of the story! Chapters will be posted upon completion so check it out every so often to see if there are any updates! Follow the link here:
          Thank you for reading and have a great day!


Hello! Srry in advance for the lack of content this week. I've explained in some of my story postings that this week was going to very busy and that I wasn't going to have a whole lot of time to write due to getting ready for the upcoming Anime convention in my city. If you'd like an indepth view of what happen feel free to follow the link to learn of my experiences! Srry agin and I'll be back next week with more chapters!


Hello, sorry for not really updating very frequently on this site. So let's get to the bread and butter of the situation, Nothing bad or anything. 
          First off, the reason why my writing has been taking some time in posting was due in part of my new job! Yes, since the last update, I started a new job basically doing the same thing except worse/betterish. Why is it worst? Well, I have to actually work the full 8 hours which makes me more tired than I'm used to. It's only better because it hourly which will not differ ever. 
          Anyways, aside from my new job that's sucking up most of my time, I've also announced that I'm going to a Convention in the states where I'll be advertising my stories and hopefully get some more attention or maybe some critique plus advice on where to post and the like. I'll be handing out artwork and chapters of my stories for people to either read or check out at their own convivence. 
          The convention is Anime Arizona 2022, if anybody is going there, (I highly doubt it) you might run into me and get a chance to be thoroughly disappointed of my person, or be like "I kind of figured you to be like that".  We could chat and discuss my stories or whatever, should you be there, I'm not advertising that you should as you might not be anywhere near the place. 
          In any case, sorry for the lack of updates and I'll post up the latest chapters next sunday. Until next time!


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Hello again! I'm back from the dead, now let's me explain why I've been gone for so long, by the gods it's been two weeks. Well, here's the excuse. (Not like it can be seen as anything but.) So as ya'll might be aware, I was housing my older brother in my home. He had test positive for Covid 19. Fantastic. It was fine for a while, but it wasn't until two weeks ago when my job started getting really slow that I had a 4-day weekend that shit went downhill. Believe it or not, my job was the thing keeping my healthy but with so many days not working and being forced to be at home with my infected brother, who didn't care to wear a mask ever, it was only a matter of time before I became infected as well. 
          Headaches and nausea that it was very hard to focus. It wasn't until last week that I tested positive for Covid 19. Thanks again Bro. Love ya. So I was out for 5 days straight with Covid. Probably the new kind where my throat was dry as hell, felt like it was covered in pins and needles and I had mucus up the wazoo. Point is it was not an enjoyable vacation. It was even more of a pain in the ass as my mother injected me with three shots of anti-biotics in my ass. See what I did there, pain in the ass, shot in the ass. Meh. 
          But during my time off, I was listening to a lot of stories on audible and it usually helps with some of my writing when I've hit a dry spell. Unfortunately, I was barely able to write much due to my condition, but I was able to think of the next parts of my stories, after so long, the words are just shitting out of my mouth like diarrhea so my writing is moving quite fast, but I'm not going to overhype this week because there can be all sorts of crap that loves to get in my way. 
          As for the Covid thing, I'm feeling right as rain, a stick up my ass blah-blah-blah. Until next time!


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Update: Unfortunately, due to the new year and the holidays, my family had suddenly decided to explore some festive activities not only that, but work had me overwhelmed that I'd been exhausted this entire week. On top of that I had just moved from my current residence into a new one. 
          Luckily, I don't have a lot of stuffs so the move did take too long. The bad news is that the moment I plugged my PC into the outlet of my room, the power supply gave a loud pop, sparks and the like plus a short-circuit to my room. Thankfully my room is fine, unfortunately due to the pop and shit, I don't feel comfortable plugging my pc back in until I get it looked at further. So that's going to suck hardcore. As if I wasn't already behind on working on my stories shit like this had to happen. Sorry and I apologize for those eagerly awaiting the next chapter of my story.


Update: Sorry about the lack of content last week, due to eating something on Thanksgiving, or to be accurate on Black Friday, I came down with severe Constipation. My body felt extremely sore, severe bloating and dizziness. I was sick from then on and was unable to work on my writing at all during that time. I eventually managed to push all that was clogging me up thanks to some laxatives, which wasn't as bad as it's depicted on T.V. I was expecting it to hurt or to go on for a long time. But no it was nothing like that. 
          After getting it all out, I was still sick with sore tonsils, I have no idea how that happened, and headaches with a touch of dizziness. I pretty much couldn't get out of bed for the entire day. Monday I wasn't that much better, but being the Mexican that I am, I still went to work because I need the money that much. Suffering through that day, I received some meds from my mother and now I'm feeling much better and am still working on my stories. Sorry for those who were looking forward for my latest chapters. I'll have the newest chapters up this sunday! Sorry for the inconvenience.


Hello sorry for the lack of content last week. Due to my real life situation, work had me completely burnt out that I was barely able to work on my writing at all. Luckily, this week isn't that busy so I should be able to get some work done. 
          On another note, I had been thinking about doing a Re-Write of Restart in the Next World. I feel like my writing has gotten better since I first started writing the series and have been giving some thought about touching up the series from the start. Probably adding more chapters and additional information. I'll also be willing to hear some criticism on somethings that you would like me to either focus on or think I should remove from the series. If you have anything, feel free to tell me. Anything will only help to improve my writing and storytelling ability for a better reading experience for my current and future readers. 
          I'll probably start on this overhaul once this next part of the story is finished and before the next upcoming part of the story begins. This will probably start next year. Fresh and new. Also, I probably add in some additional artwork for some of the chapters. If there's a part that you'd like to see specificly, feel free to make a note of it in one of the chapters. Depending on the scenes, I'll give some serious thought about it. Thank you! Until next time!