
Please No! is now #522 in werwolf. Love you guys!!!


Fans of Please No!
          All chapters have been edited and as a bonus you now have a new chapter finalising all the missing details. Reading through I realised how cringey I was, so I apologize for that. Any way enjoy the new chapter and let me know what you guys think? 
          Destiny xx


Hey guys long time no write!
          Anyway I'm finally getting over being so lazy and editing 'Please No!' So far 7 chapters have been edited over my terrible grammar mistakes and young me was so cringey. And keep an eye out as I edit there may or may not be a new chapter coming out finalising everything young me missed out on. . . Be patient with me as I'm just getting back into the writing game and so want to update Please No!  as the amount of reads, comments and votes that book has received is insane! I was 15 when I started the book and was quick to rush it and have been to lazy for lack of words to continue on it. So here I am today ready to close this chapter with all my readers.
          Destiny xx