
Just a quick update, going to be restructuring the latest fic so new chapters probably wont be rolling out for another week or two. Ive taken about a week break and imma extend that a little to restructure and maybe possibly fix a few plot holes lmao. See you again soon!!


Just a quick update, going to be restructuring the latest fic so new chapters probably wont be rolling out for another week or two. Ive taken about a week break and imma extend that a little to restructure and maybe possibly fix a few plot holes lmao. See you again soon!!


Hi, so i'm kinda making a new ish rewrite to Spider-Man Revealed. Yall can go read it, only the first 2 chapters are out, and theyre just the rewrite part, the first 12 chapters will be the re-write. I'm hoping to have all 12 out by tomrrow night as theyre just about changign certain points. also forgive the horrible grammer in this i gotta save all my brain cells for the actual book lmao