
I’m back from the dead.. get ready for some chaos 


Your stories are great and I love you! (As a best friend!) and I'm doing this so people will see this and see that your stories as great! 


@Ashton_Potter Awe! I love you too, bestie! Thanks for the shoutout!


Oh God.. I just realized why no one reads my stories. Their so freaking long.
          So I shall resort to begging. PLEASE, FOLLOWERS, PLEASE GIVE MY STORIES A CHANCE! I KNOW THEIR SO LONG... But in my defense, in google docs, they're only six pages, which is a chapter maximum.. so...
          *realizes that no one's going to read my stories anyway because I only have 7 followers*


Hello my scarce few followers (I really need to get my follower count up!), this is going to be as short as possible: Please either read my newest Sci-Fi Story, Project Amaryllis (if interested in Sci-Fi) or if you know someone into Sci-Fi stuff, please ask them to give my books a read! Thanks guys!