
Last year on Christmas eve I started the great Phoneswap Fiasco which somehow got unpublished....but here I am publishing it once again with some editing... hope you all like it and a very special mention to my mad fam who are an important part of this book and my wouldn't be possible without them 
          	Love you guys ❤


Last year on Christmas eve I started the great Phoneswap Fiasco which somehow got unpublished....but here I am publishing it once again with some editing... hope you all like it and a very special mention to my mad fam who are an important part of this book and my wouldn't be possible without them 
          Love you guys ❤


          "Mad fam challenges" sound's fun, doesn't it?
          We all love writing!!
          So, here's a challenge which we hope you guys will enjoy taking part in.
          On the occasion of mad fam completing one year, we are looking forward to organise a oneshot competition. To know further , check this account... @ICT_madfam
          Stay tuned
          Mad fam!!


          "Mad fam challenges" sound's fun, doesn't it?
          We all love writing!!
          So, here's a challenge which we hope you guys will enjoy taking part in.
          On the occasion of mad fam completing one year, we are looking forward to organise a oneshot competition. To know further , check this account... @ICT_madfam
          Stay tuned
          Mad fam!!


Thank  you so much for all your wishes......meri pyaar Mad Fam........I feel short of words right now you all have made my birthday really special....I really hope to meet you all soon in person...
          I never had a thought ki mujhe itne aache friends cum sister cum party in crime milege bcz of my personality but you guys make me feel so special everytime everyday....though I haven't talked with all of you guys in a while bcz of studies and stuff (I'll try and talk with you all soon guys pakka promise) I just want to say I am really grateful for all of you and I love you guys a lot ❤...
          Hope to see you all soon 
          Devil over and out
          @Shaddy_45 @Shiningline @Bhavikasimple @Mahiro457 @Prahatikakrishnan @SakthiSri6 @SomebodyOutThere005 @yaushra @Ms_Completelyinsane @Ms_SanelyInsane 
          @Kiran1209 @Hannahstorm311 


Belated happy birthday shru :)


Happy April fools Day people........I hope you all are ready to prank. 
           @Mahiro457 and I have decided to have prank war and you all have a free reign to prank any of the ICT fans.
          To win all you need to do is tell us what you did and who you pranked......The winner will get a surprise gift and shout out from both of us....
          You all have time till Friday evening 6p.m.
          Mahiro457 & Storm Devil 
          Happy Pranking 
          P.S. we are really sorry but it's only applicable for ICT fans.
          P.P.S Do take a screenshot of what you did.
          We'll tell you how to send it to us.
          P.P.P.S It's just for fun guys.


Hey guys,  I am taking a break from wattpad for a couple of months due to my studies as well as for myself. My story The great phone swap fiasco is on hold for the time with you all soon people. 
          Until then 
          Devil over and out 
          P.S. I hope you all understand I am not really good at explaining stuff like this.


@Devilismymiddlename I will miss you Jldi aana wapas 


@Devilismymiddlename Jaldi aana wapas dii and All The Besttt for your studies! ❤️❤️❤️