
Hello lovelies.  Unfortunately I will be deleting my story by the end of the day.  I no longer have the passion to finish it.  I do apologize if you were actually interested in it.


Bad news guys, got strep throat.  Doc put me on antibiotics and a high blood pressure pill.  Which makes me need to pee.  A LOT.  I had set aside time to work on my story but it seems as if that isn’t going to happen.  The pain is immense, and I just want to sleep.  Let my body fight it off.  Drinking and eating are damn near impossible.  Oh and my Apple Watch alerting to high heart rates doesn’t help either.  Twice today, once yesterday.  If you’re the praying kind (I’m not), I don’t mind you sending them my way.  I want this over with.  Love you guys.


Hi strangers.  I haven't forgotten the story, I promise.  I've at least made notes on future chapters.  Writer's block is no joke.  To all my Motherly friends and readers, I hope you have a great Mother's Day. 
          All My Love,


Soooo, Chapter 33 is up.  Let me know if you survived.  Lol
          Love, Devlin


Also, I’m just now noticing mistakes.  I will fix them tomorrow.  My Word subscription ran out and I can’t afford $99 to buy it, so I’m using something else.  It doesn’t catch my mistakes like Word does.  Apologies.