

do your books have English translations??
          i want to read them because they look so exciting but I don't even know which language they are written in!
          also i can never find any good jaehyuck books and it seems you have so many interesting ones!!


@ 12kuhu2005  well hello there! ^_^ , thank you so much for coming to my page darling! Appreciate it.
            I wrote all of my stories back then, and all of those are written in my own language wich mean is Indonesian.
            And Im afraid that I don't have the english version of it, so sorry but maybe u can translate it by yourself If u want to honey! <3


heeeeeeyyyyyy~ ka author, gw panic tau gk, ada reader/follower kaka yg kykny org spanish dan replied commentanku pakai bahasa spanish ToT gw gk tau beliau/dia org spanish sungguhan ato bkn, tpi gw stalk reading list dia ffny bahasa spanish semua ToT
          bangga gk, ka author ada reader/follower org spanish? bangga gk ff karya ka author WJML bisa ditemuin org spanish? BANGGALAH!
          gw meninggoy gk bisa basa spanish TTvTT


pdhl gw iseng replied comment commentan di bab intro eh direply dgn basa spanish