
this message may be offensive
"This message may be offensive"
          	I've just realised how many of my comments and posts on other peoples pages start with that. 
          	The fuck Wattpad?


this message may be offensive
So as I'm sprawling on my bed and my hairs just been blow dried a thought just pops into my head. 
          That thought is this: "I'm fucking amazing. And I probably look great. And I just read a large amount of gay shit. And I'm mentally rambling but hey, I'm doing alright!" 
          This message was brought to you by a kind of sleep deprived drunkeness.


Having glow stars is great. You get to say things like Uranus has fallen out and people can't tell you not to swear. It's great! 
          No but seriously Uranus has fallen off my ceiling and I can't find it. Send help. But wait- now I get to say: I can't find Uranus! And then they'd be like: oh well why are you trying to find my butt? Then I'd be like: oh no I'm not staring at your butt. I have glow stars. Get your mind out the gutter. 
          Oh and for all those of you who want a space related pick up line: 
          Hey girl there's about to be seven planets because I'm about to destroy URANUS!!!!
          See it's funny because what they don't know is that I've got a space laser currently pointed at Uranus.