
I'm going back to in person school today and I am
          	S t R e S s E d


@kits_a_fox It was ok. Still kinda stressed but let's be real...when am I not stressed?


How’d it go?


I'm going back to in person school today and I am
          S t R e S s E d


@kits_a_fox It was ok. Still kinda stressed but let's be real...when am I not stressed?


How’d it go?


Thank you for following me!


@YouTube_CreepyPastas I would totally ready that! And it was nice talking to you too!


@DisneyFanatic1225 I do actaully have some of the older drafts for the ending of the story. They aren't fully written out, and are more of a list than anything else. Once I've finished planning, writing, editing and uploading the third book of the trilogy, I was thinking of messing around with some "Alternative Scenarios" or "Alternative Perspectives" in a separate book to show people what could have happened.
            But anyway, thank you for all of your feedback! It's been a pleasure to talk to you, and I hope that you have a good rest of your day!


@YouTube_CreepyPastas It would've been cool to see what the other endings were cause I'm sure you would've made them just as amazing as the one you went with!


So...I have to write a 6-word memoir for my English class and I need help deciding between a few.
          1.) Worthless and useless aren't the same (This is like, I may be completely useless at math, but that doesn't mean I'm worthless. Just cause I'm useless at one thing, doesn't mean I'm worthless and shouldn't be alive.) 
          2.) A fantasy world beckons me home (This is talking about my love of reading and how I love fantasy books and would rather live in one than in this reality and how I use fantasy world to escape when things are bad)
          3.) Broken people are just as beautiful (This is talking about how my life might not be the greatest and how my mental state may be broken and falling apart, but I am just as amazing and beautiful as someone who isn't struggling)
          Which one do y'all like the best?


@DisneyFanatic1225 i like three, because everyone should be given a chance, even if they're broken and cruel.


@DisneyFanatic1225 I think 2 is the best option, then 1, then 3


Is it too much to ask that my brain would let me fall asleep without me having to A.) Emotionally overload it, B.) Physically overload it, or C.) Overload it both ways?
          Like, it would be nice if for once...for ONE. NIGHT I don't have to work myself up until I fall asleep from pure and utter exhaustion from crying myself to sleep.


@chloetheavocadogirl Thanks! I'll have to try that out tonight! :)


@DisneyFanatic1225 aww, I’m sorry. What I do when I can’t sleep or am panicking over something I’ll get my headphones and listen to the sound of rain off my phone. If you can’t have your phone or other device in your room, try imagining some funny image in your head. Personally, I imagine a pink, fluffy unicorn dancing on a rainbow. I know it sounds stupid but I’m usually asleep before I can finish the whole image in my head. Hope these can help you calm down while falling alseep


So how we doing luv?


@April_Stardust I am so sorry! If you ever need to talk, no matter what time it is, I'm here. <3


@DisneyFanatic1225 someone close to me passed 


Hey everyone! Sorry I've been inactive for a couple of days. I just wanted to give a quick update on what's happening in case I can't get back on for a while.
          So...for those of you who don't know, where I live recently got a massive winter storm that has caused everything to freeze over. Because of this, I have lost my internet connection. It's a miracle that I'm even able to post this actually. 
          The people in charge of fixing the powerlines and stuff have estimated that we won't get our internet back for a couple of days still so I may not be able to get on for a bit. I will try to log on whenever I can but there are no guarantees. I will try to keep y'all updated as I learn more.


I’m glad your ok :D


Ok. So.
          I just wanna say I love my family. Really, I do. I wouldn't trade them for anything.
          That being said...I've had a really weird feeling when I'm around them lately. It's like...I don't know how to describe it but it's like I have to get away from them I guess? Idk. Both my mom and my grandma have been off work this week so I've been home with them ALL WEEK and I just constantly feel like I need them to leave so I can be alone. Is this normal or ??? Am I a bad person? I've never felt like this around them before so Idkkkk. Is this a consequence of being an introvert??? It's getting to be a big problem. I've snapped at them both multiple times and I've 'gone to the bathroom' SO. MANY. TIMES. 


That’s normal don’t worry 
            If you’re seeing more of person than you usually do you’re gonna want a break, especially if you’re an introvert 
            Try to get some alone time in


Imagine being in a dance class which you've been in for years but now, it's not fun anymore and you want to stop but you know that if you tell your mom, she's gonna make it into a whole big out of proportion situation to which she gets your teacher involved and they interrogate you for hours as to why you want to stop because apparently 'it's not fun anymore' is not a good enough reason and they keep pushing you until you are so sick and tired of it and just stay in the class because you're so done with them making you feel like puking every time you think about dance.
          AND THEN your mom goes through your phone WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION because she thinks something happened with friends or school and THAT'S why you're wanting to stop dance class when in reality it's not.


@DisneyFanatic1225 (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃