
And just like this, I’m back on this site and I realized I never finished editing my book, or finished the other I have. 
          	To the new people coming in and reading my book and giving me lectures on my DMs and comments about how “messed up” my book is. 
          	I know. 
          	That’s why it’s under “High Editing”. 
          	I’m going to be picking it up and again and I’ll probably take the whole book down to rewrite it and post it as I go but I’ll see, though that is a tempting choice. Thanks for being patient! 



And just like this, I’m back on this site and I realized I never finished editing my book, or finished the other I have. 
          To the new people coming in and reading my book and giving me lectures on my DMs and comments about how “messed up” my book is. 
          I know. 
          That’s why it’s under “High Editing”. 
          I’m going to be picking it up and again and I’ll probably take the whole book down to rewrite it and post it as I go but I’ll see, though that is a tempting choice. Thanks for being patient! 


I want to let you guys know that I'm truly thankful for you guys who read my book! Honestly I still get so happy when I see a new vote or comment and it makes my entire day! 
          I'm working on something new currently and I might make it cliche but I'm not sure yet. 
          I hope you all have a great morning/afternoon/evening/night!!


I have gotten over 30 new followers in less than a month! Where are you all coming from and welcome, please enjoy your stay!


@ALineWriter @imtheweirdchicka you guys are too much for me! <3 I actually did read that in a deep voice just because it fit it so well! XD


            lol we found talent in ur writng and we like it obviously


Love the new cover!


Aww, you guys do not have to thanks me. I'm just telling the truth!


@KYT_food4galaxy thank you for finding my story awesome! It truly means a lot! 