
Bruh am I the only person that want their bloody comfort character rn??? Like bruh


At least I'm not the only one. I wanted Hans Gruber 2day like bruh


@Disneyvillainlife yes, very much... Today I wanted inspector Sullivan


Bruh am I the only person that want their bloody comfort character rn??? Like bruh


At least I'm not the only one. I wanted Hans Gruber 2day like bruh


@Disneyvillainlife yes, very much... Today I wanted inspector Sullivan


For you, best friend. 
          If I don’t get this back, if obviously not a close friend. 
          Now I have a game for you. It has been played since 1977. Well, that’s what I have heard. Once you get this, you have to send it to ten people. If you do, your next five days will be like this...
          1. your crush will hang out with you. 
          2. You will find $20 on the ground. 
          3. You will ace all your tests. 
          4. You will get the thing you’ve always wanted.
          5. You will earn seven new friends. 
          (Bummer if this was summer than #3 wouldn’t count.)
          Remember 10 people. In 12 hours. If you don’t send this to 10 people in 12 hours, your five days will be the opposite. 
          1. Your crush won’t hang out with you. 
          2. You will loose $20. 
          3. You will fail all your tests. 
          4. You will never get the thing you’ve always wanted. 
          5. You will loose seven friends. 
          Choose these ten people wisely. I wish you the best of luck. 
          P.s (not needed to be written) I don’t know who’s really my friends by the way. 
          Love: Azula the Queen of Mischief and William the Conqueror 


Hey guys. Sorry if I'm taking longer than usual to update. I do have a lil bit of the story written but I'm sick currently so ye that's amazing. Again sorry if I don't update normal time


@Disneyvillainlife Ah, no worries. I completely understand the sick part. I was sick four weeks ago and I've still got the cough. No need to worry about a schedule, you've got enough on your plate.


Hey guys. Sorry if I don't update tonight as planned but chapter 14 is up if u wanna read it and haven't already.
          I don't think imma update tonight tho.
           I was on the verge of a mental breakdown then got pushed over the edge by lovely ppl who were being unreasonable and mad over a stupid situation so now I look like a druggy with bloodshot eyes and bags under them from lack of sleep and crying so yaaaayyyyy.
          Another mental breakdown in secret this week. Yay


Ye it was :') thx ;)


@Disneyvillainlife That sounds... lovely. Don't worry about updates, take a break for yourself. We can wait. If you need someone to talk or vent to, I'm open 7AM to 7PM. Might be a little late every now and then to messages, but I'll be there if you need me.