
Hello! ^^
          	I just wanted to let everyone know that's reading any of my books that I'm slowly working on each book I have. Right now I only have one published that I'm working on but I do have 21 drafts I'm also working on as well. I've been updating my published book (that's not completed yet), so if you see any "Update/Published" to a chapter you've already read, make sure to go back and re-read the update. Some things might have changed. Again, thank you for your patience as I'm currently getting caught back up. 
          	(Sorry if this is all jumbled up. It's currently 5am, and I'm very sleep deprived lol)


Hello! ^^
          I just wanted to let everyone know that's reading any of my books that I'm slowly working on each book I have. Right now I only have one published that I'm working on but I do have 21 drafts I'm also working on as well. I've been updating my published book (that's not completed yet), so if you see any "Update/Published" to a chapter you've already read, make sure to go back and re-read the update. Some things might have changed. Again, thank you for your patience as I'm currently getting caught back up. 
          (Sorry if this is all jumbled up. It's currently 5am, and I'm very sleep deprived lol)


          Hello everyone,
          Sorry it's taken me so long to update anything on my books. I've been going through a lot lately. As some of you may know, I now have a daughter who is just turning 9 months old. That's the major reason I've not been updating as much. I've also been trying to do this whole "stay at home mom" thing, which is completely new to me. So, ontop of cleaning, taking care of my little one, and cooking, I'm trying to update as well. Bare with me. These things take time, and I promise you, these chapters are worth the wait. 
          Thank you to everyone who's stayed here with me and that has continued to read my books (even if it did take me so long to update them). The support I have with these books really does mean a lot. 
          Thank you all again. You all rock!


How would you notify someone you've never met, in a non-stalker way, that you wanna use them as the main character in your book? I'm friends with this girl and she fits the description of my character perfectly (minus being a witch). I don't wanna come off as a stalker that has a photo of her but I feel like it's rude not to tell her...
          Any advice would be greatly appreciated! ♡


          So, my adorkable boyfriend decided to steal my phone while I was in the middle of an update. Apparently he went to another chapter and put in a "secret code". 
          The first person to find this code will get a shout out in my book. It's in the Toujours story. Dunno which chapter it's in. When you find it, message me and let me know what chapter it is.
          Happy hunting!! :) 




@MalfoyQueens will do, and same to you :) ♡


@MalfoyQueens follow back please and kindly check my book thank you so so much ❤❤❤


Just a heads up to everyone, I can (and willing) to make you a book cover if you want :) I think I've gotten pretty good at doing it and it makes me pretty happy so. 
          If you are interested in me making one for you, just send me a message, telling me the title of your book, the description of what you want an we will go from there :) 


Doubt I can get the U the way you want but I'll see what I come up with. 


I'll see what I can do and I'll send you the end results :) 


@DitzyD hey! I'm trying to think of a cover for "HUSK". I want a freaky looking scarecrow or creature holding a scythe/sickle. With the title at the top "H (sickle as the U) SK. 
            Not sure if it's possible, but I'd love to see what you can come up with.


RIP Alan Rickan- AKA Severus Snape!! 
          You may be gone, but you'll never be forgotten!! You'll remain in our hearts, ALWAYS!! 


@DitzyD RIP Alan Rickman! You will ALWAYS be in our hearts as our most hated and beloved potions master of all time!!! No one will ever take your place; you are forever in our hearts and souls SNAPE!